Wondershare PDFelement Pro 9 Mac破解版 PDF编辑器 v9.0.12
Wondershare PDFelement Pro Mac破解软件是Mac os上一款专业PDF编辑器,万兴PDF专家支持PDF创建、PDF格式转换、PDF编辑、表单处理以及PDF签名等功能,易操作、更高效、功能全,让您工作更轻松!Wondershare PDFelement Pro Mac破解版支持OCR、创建和签署表单、合并PDF、转换PDF、PDF/A、批量处理PDF文件、贝茨码。
所属分类: 系统:macOS 10.14或更高版本大小:645.41MB | 语言: 多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解最后更新:2022年09月21日
Wondershare PDFelement Pro Mac破解软件是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款集PDF编辑器和PDF格式转换以及光学识别转换等强大功能于一体的高效文档管理器,其内置的国产自主研发的 OCR 引擎插件能够有效的提升中文字符的识别效率,用户可以快速轻松地将 PDF 文档转换为常见的可编辑的格式的文档。最新PDFelement Pro破解版更正和改进许多小细节,帮助用户更高效的工作哦!
PDFelement Pro for Mac破解软件功能介绍 PDFelement Pro Mac破解版是一款可以帮助用户编辑PDF的工具,通常情况下,人们使用PDF编辑工具都是adobe acrobat软件,该软件的功能确实非常丰富,但是由于体积太大,并且价格昂贵,不适合普通用户使用,本次推荐的这款PDFelement 6 Pro软件也是国外的产品,其设计的功能针对中小型用户开发,支持常规的编辑、修改、操作,并且可以实现PDF文件转换功能,您可以将Word、Excel等office文件转换为PDF文件保存,让您可以拥有一款简单、高效的PDF。
PDFelement Pro for Mac破解软件功能特色 *编辑,删除,剪切,复制,粘贴和插入新的文本和图像 *使用OCR技术编辑,删除,剪切,复制,粘贴和插入扫描(图像)PDF中的新文本和图像 *编辑行和段落文本 *更改字体属性(类型,大小和样式,对齐方式) *添加和移动文本和图像与辅助线 *应用,更新或删除背景 *删除,添加,移动和旋转图像 *管理文档中的页面(重新排序,插入,提取,裁剪,旋转和删除页面) *在缩略图视图或通过功能区修改文档(插入,提取,替换,删除,拆分,旋转,重新排序) *创建手绘签名(仅限Mac用户) *给文件加密 *搜索文档并自动修改匹配文本 *编辑文字属性,包括颜色,编辑代码和自定义重叠文本 *密码保护PDF并限制对内容的访问 *发送PDF作为电子邮件附件 *将您的PDF文件保存到流行的云端存储服务(Google Drive,Dropbox和Evernote)Google Drive, *Dropbox (仅限Mac用户)Google Drive, Dropbox and Evernote (仅限Windows用户) *可压缩PDF文件大小 *打印注释和表单字段
PDFelement Pro for Mac破解软件功能特征 1、注释 添加笔记、创建自定义印章;删除、下划线和高亮文字。
2、密码保护 使用密码保护,防止他人打开和编辑PDF文档。
3、电子签名 创建个性化加密型电子签名,快速签署PDF文档。
4、提取 根据您的需求,将文档里某几页提取出来创建成新的PDF文件。
5、合并 & 拆分 合并多个文档格式如Word、Excel和PDF,或拆分大的PDF文件。
6、编辑 永久删除您的PDF文档中的敏感文字和图片。
7、页眉 & 页脚 自定义页眉和页脚让您的PDF更有条理和更专业。
8、插入 & 替代 在PDF文档中插入新页面或用其他PDF文档代替已有页面。
9、水印 创建自定义水印让页面更安全。
10、贝茨编号 简便的索引方法让您更快捷便利的整理PDF页面。
11、优化 在保质的情况下缩小文件尺寸,让分享更简单。
12、书签 在PDF文档中标记某些章节以便参考。
13、超链接 添加超链接到网页或您的PDF文档的某部分能快速导航。
14、打印 将文件打印成PDF格式使其更易储存、搜索和分享。
PDFelement Pro is a professional all-in-one solution for all your PDF tasks. Change the fundamental approach to working with PDF.
You can easily create new PDFs from web pages (.html, .htm), images (png, .jpeg, jpg, bmp, .tiff, .bmp) and text files (.rtf, .rtfd, .txt) . The newly created PDFs are 100% compatible with Adobe Reader, Acrobat and other PDF applications.
The Merge feature is another handy way to merge and convert multiple files into a single PDF document.
PDFelement is an excellent tool for converting PDF files to various file formats including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Text, HTML and many more, giving you maximum flexibility in working with PDF documents.
Import handwritten signatures and initials in print to quickly sign PDF documents. Also comes with a selection of the most commonly used dynamic and standard business seals, and has 4 ways to create your own personal or business seals.
Add security passwords to protect your PDF files from being opened, or set user restrictions for modifying PDF content such as editing and printing.
Editing With PDFelement, you can edit text and change fonts just like in the Microsoft package. Just press – and you can print: everything is very simple.
OCR Our state-of-the-art OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology turns scanned material into a fully editable document that can be searched, edited, formatted, resized, text. Multi-language support includes the following languages: English, Korean, Russian, German, Spanish and many more.
Conversion Do you want to work with the document in other programs? Convert from PDF directly to Word, Excel, graphic file and many other file formats.
Password protection It is clear that some of your documents are confidential and need additional protection. Set restrictions on opening, copying, editing, and printing to ensure your file is safe if it falls into the wrong hands.
Annotations Highlight important text with the selection tool and attach stickers to make information more specific. To highlight or archive a specific area of the document, you can use one of the 20 ready-made stamps.
Adding an image Seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times. Simply insert images into a PDF file and adjust the size to fit the document.
Bates numbering Do you work with legal documents and need an easy way to identify and search? Put identification numbers on each page to make it easier to recognize and search when working with many pages.
Form creation You can edit an existing form or create your own with predefined fields such as a text box, check box, radio button, combo box, list box, button, or signature box. All of them are interactive and make it easy to organize data collection and surveys.
Signature Did you receive a notice or do you need to sign a contract? Use the supplied standard encrypted digital signatures or create your own handwritten signature.
Merge Do you have several files and want to merge them? PDFelement allows you to convert multiple files into a single PDF file to make your work easier.
Editorial Some information is confidential and should not be made public. In order to avoid information leakage, the editing tool allows you to permanently black out text or images.
WHAT’S NEW Version 9.0.12:
Support for clearing all recent files;
Support for customizing the image size;
Optimize the experience of clearing digital signatures;
Optimize split page, replace page and insert page window;
Optimize the experience of sharing files;
Corrections and improvements in many small details;
Fix the crash issue that may happen in certain situations.
注意:“PDFelement Pro” Mac破解软件镜像包下载完了后,需将软件“Wondershare PDFelement”拖至电脑应用程序中完成安装;
若不能打开“Wondershare PDFelement Pro” Mac破解软件,**并提示【“XXX”已损坏,无法打开。您应该将它移到废纸篓。】 ,那就来点猛料,按下面的操作设置: 1、打开任何来源。 2、打开电脑“终端”,执行下面的命令。 **
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Wondershare\ PDFelement.app
若运行“PDFelement Pro” Mac破解软件,提示“更新”,请点击“跳过”,切勿直接“更新”,后续一旦“PDFelement Pro” Mac破解软件有新版的破解,会及时分享。
运行“PDFelement Pro” Mac破解软件,如需使用OCR功能!
系统:macOS 10.14或更高版本大小:645.41MB | 语言: 多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解经确认:支持Big Sur、M1|2芯片、Monterey运行